Monday, May 12, 2014


想起刚刚从小学进入中学时,什么都不会的我,连最基本的国语我都摸不清。进入中学,那是一所英文国语的学校,从华校进入,对我来说,不是的那么容易,毕竟我习惯说华语。朋友家人从小就说话语。只有在上马来文科时写国语,很少讲。当时,我的朋友群里只有我进入英校。所以,刚刚入学的我非常的寂寞和少许的彷徨。我承认啦。 不久,我终于找到可以和自己说话语的朋友,她们也是刚刚进入,所以,大家都是新朋友。我们大家都是新开始在新环境。久而久之,我们越来越熟。大家你帮我,我帮你。话题自然就越来越多。 在那五年里,我们曾经有说有笑,有吵有闹,时间渐渐地流得很快。当然,在女子学校,没有男生,我们之间没有避忌。要说什么就说什么。没管那么多。你拍我,我拍你。热时,大家做的有点粗鲁。小case啦,对不对?哈哈! 我们有时因为一点小事而争吵,但是,这些往往是增强我们的友谊。当我们想回去时,是有那么的好笑。这些,也是存在我们一部分的记忆和回忆。在班上,我们时常分享食物,好像在开小型野餐。当然,在校规里,我们的确是犯了规,但是,对我们来说,没被抓包就可以了吧。对不对?记得我们在 Add Maths 的节时,我们都没有听课因为很明显,老师太厉害,厉害到我们听不明白。哈哈! 在班上,我们时常大吵大闹,不是骂架,而是,我们的笑声。对,众所周知,我的笑声在我的朋友群里,的确是非常的大声。对我而言,开心,就应该大声地笑,尽情地笑。别憋着。因为有些人不能。所以,可以笑的我们,当然要珍惜。有时,我们的笑声可以换来同班同学的责骂,但是,我们从来不管。有时,我们可以无端端没理由地看着对方就哈哈大笑。美好回忆。初中,我们被分位子。但是,我们就这节课,这个位子,那节课,那个位子。不同的位子,不停的换。 现在,长大的我们,进入大学的我们,我的确有点怀念当年。我们可以无忧无虑地玩,一起念书,一起温习,一起顶老师嘴,一起下课,一起拍照,一起犯规再班吃东西等等。小时的我们,根本无需要担心现今的社会。现在,你要考虑你的前途,你要读什么科系,你未来的路。不得不去想,有时不是我们要不要,是我们必须。人一长大,烦恼就越来越多,不得由你控制。 我想对我身边的每一个朋友说,谢谢你们一直以来的照顾与关怀。我非常的感激。不好的,有时我说话得罪了你,我抱歉,但是,我说话有时是那么的直接,所以,请见谅。谢谢曾经帮过我许多的朋友,我非常的谢谢你们。无论从小学到现在的朋友,新和久朋友,我非常的开心能够认识到你们,希望我们可以联络联络。哈哈! 所以,不开心的回忆,把它忘掉,开心的回忆,把它保存。活在当下,享受你人生的喜怒哀乐,你一定会要经历的。不开心,还是要过一天;开心,还是要过一天,倒不如,每天都活在快乐的日子里,自己也会很快乐。哈哈。

All of a sudden, I miss everything in secondary school.

I have a lot of great memories with my friends from primary until high school, even until now.

Times fly back to the time when I was entering secondary from primary school. I’m just a little girl who doesn't know a lot of things even the simplest BM I also not very good. That school was a girl school and everything were in either English and BM. Mostly is BM of course. I am an Chinese primary graduate, so of course my BM doesn't really that fluent compared to Malays. It was very hard for me to study at a totally different study environment. So, I was very lonely at the very beginning.

After some weeks, finally, I find some friends who are speaking mandarin just like me; I was feeling so happy that time. All of us are new students who came from different f schools. It was a new study environment which we need to meet new friends, new teachers and new part of life. Within the years study together, we did help each other a lot. It means that we are getting closer and closer.
We were spending great times together. We did laugh together and sometimes argue together. Life just can’t live without some arguing. Arguing makes we grow. Times fly. One thing that we don’t need to care in girls school is that our sitting position. Girls school of course don’t have guys which means we can sit like a boss we want or just slap butt together. Who cares right? We don’t care and nobody care in that school. After PE, we just change clothes in class.

Every single memory in high school, I still remember in my mind. Of course, not everything, my memory isn't that good, so mostly I remember.  In class, we were always like having a small picnic. We brought foods from home and shares in class. We eat Maggi, Nasi Lemak and etc in class. It was prohibited of course, yet we still do. I mean against the law. Life is boring if you don’t break some laws. I mean school laws, not the country’s laws. It is a small case in school. We don’t really bother much that time. In Add Maths class, obviously, most of us didn't listen to what the teacher says because most of us don’t know the shit about the teacher said. He is too smart until we don’t understand every shit he said to us.

Meanwhile, the noises we made are not the scolding or arguing sound, most of the time is our laughing sounds. We do have loud laughing sounds especially me. I was known as a big laughter. Everyone knows it. For me, if we can laugh, we laugh. For someone in this world, they may not have this opportunity of laugh. So, laugh whenever you feel to. That’s you. Don’t bother what others judge you. Sometimes, in class, we can just like laugh all of a sudden without reason. You know who you are. Yes, YOU! I hate the most is that when the teachers want us to change place. I really dislike it. So, we do have our own seats in different class. Yet, we still changed a lot of seats.

Now, all of us have grown up. Some of us are in college, in university and in Form 6. We have our own life to live. I somehow miss the time. We can have our freedom to do whatever we want to. We study together, be rude to teacher together (not very), lunch together, selfie together and eat in class together and so on. We don’t have to worry so many things. Now, you need to worry your career, your future study and your future. The matter is that whether we want or not, is because we must! Once we grown up, there are many things for us to think about and to worry about.

Here, I want tell my every single friends I know. Thank you for your helping and caring. I really appreciate everything. Sometimes, I may say something that hurts you, I’m sorry for that deep down. I hope we can always keep in touch. No matter when or where. Just keep in touch. I feel very happy to have you as my friends. Haha!! cheers!

Good Luck,

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