Monday, November 3, 2014

A Month

It’s been a month I study here as university student.
All I can say that, life isn't that easy.
At first, you can feel there’s total different environment compared to your comfort zone before back in home.
You need to start everything new here.
You get to meet new friends and new study life.
University is not anymore spoon-feeding syllabus.
No one will ever tell you what to do or how you manage your time in your study.
You may meet some situation when you need to study a self-paced study subject.
It’s a whole new level for me somehow.
You can choose to don’t want study your own, but that will be your own risk for sure.
You wouldn't want to ruin your grades in your result right.
Entering a good university is hard, if you don’t appreciate, no one will help you.
So far, I've meet nice friends here.
What I can say that is they are lovely people.
For sure, at first you don’t even know them; you don’t know how their personality looks like.
One thing I can confirm is that we have 2 years here, so we can slowly get know each other.
Not all, but at least we know some of them.

Frankly speaking, I didn't choose this university at first.
My plan changed after some discussion.
You never get what you want is what I can say.
Sometimes you don’t get to pick what you want, just follow the flow and we will do.
It’s a very last minute decision to enter this university.
Surprisingly, I don’t know why they will accept me, I’m not a very fantastic result student for sure compared to others students.
I do feel appreciate that they accept me as their student. I really do.
Whenever they ask me why I choose this university, I don’t have any idea in my mind what to reply them.
I just don’t have clue.
I somehow feel guilty because people apply and they don't get. Me, for don't know what reason I get chosen. 
I try not to reveal much but this is where I am and don’t ask me why.

Being part of this university is actually a good start for me.
We have few students compared to UK main campus.
We can get help easily from our lecturers than UK campus where they have hundreds and hundreds of students there.
Being a small group is actually a good thing.
You get to know people around you and get in touch with lecturers easily.
We may be small, yet we are huge in some way.
I’m happy of where I am now.
I have lovely friends here and lecturers. (although sometimes I don’t know what they teach)

Our real university life will start after our study week a.k.a holidays.

Being the 3 girls in the class are somehow stress. Yet I'm the only Chinese girl. You know you need to follow everything. Guys think differently than girls. Somehow they get the idea easily than us. Well, what I can do is that I need to work extra hard in order to follow them. Hard works do pay off sometimes.

Last time went photo shooting for the university stuff. Good to be part of it because I can hang around outside of the campus. Hehe

I did some shopping at Cotton On online. I love snoopy very very much!
They are adorable.

Weekends I will do my grocery with my housemates. I do enjoy grocery shopping. I don't know why, I just feel happy to do grocery. Probably because I seldom do that with family, but once we do, it will be a great shop.

I went Korean Food with my parents last week. I'm craving for that so they brought me there.

I join MMA club. These people are lovely and funny. Good time well spent with them every Monday.

Meet my housemate, Jeannine.

I feel happy study here.
I believe nowhere will become somewhere memorable soon.

                Good Luck,

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