Saturday, November 15, 2014


Good evening peoopleee.

I’ve been go through a very busy study life. Well, one coursework down, still got more to go.
If I say I am not tired then I probably lie to you.
I feel extremely tired. Basically my eyes are very tired.
When you face certain things for example laptop and papers for a whole day, you will get what I mean.
I will never ever get enough sleep.
I love sleep for sure.

I feel I don’t have enough time.
Every day, after class ended, I go back bath and have my dinner, then I straight away go to library and continue my study.
Time is like so limited here.
When you start something, you never realize that the time pass like so fast.
I never expect the time pass like a rocket and yet I actually didn’t do many things.
For what I know is that, I am a slow learner, I take extra times than any other else no matter in what fields. Sometimes, I do wonder why am I so slow compared to others. But, everyone is different, there’s nothing to be compared about. The way everyone study if different. Hmm…
Sometimes I just wish I am a fast learner so I can basically do more stuff in a day.
But, I accept my fact. Haha…

One more thing I want to confess.
We are having this MPU study which I don’t know the full form of it. We need to take etnic subjects and Titas. I have no freaking idea why we need to take that while we have so many things to worry about. The class is completely conducted in BM like dafaq. My BM level is so so not that very good, I thought I can say bye to BM life and now like… damn. Why do we ever need to take that because we are in the country? That’s make no sense. We have to do presentation and so on and so forth. Seriously, I feel somehow crap. Why do we need to learn that?  Will there anyone out there will ask you about that if you’re applying a job? Lol. This class is boring. Basically no one in there will listen to the lecturer but the lecturer did her best to maintain the class. I don’t hate her, I hate that why do we ever need to take that again. Well, although I know I don’t or dislike it, I still need to do my best in that subject. Yes or no, just do my best and done.

Well, that’s all I wanna say today. Offline.

                Good Luck,

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